All of your time spent working on your resume, the gruelling process of getting ready for each interview, the networking with friends, relatives, neighbours and faculty, and the repeated emails and phone calls leads to one goal: getting the interview with the company of your choice. It is important to maximize these meetings and conversations. This guide is designed to help you prepare for these encounters. Remember that a moderate amount of anxiety associated with the interview process is good. Following these guidelines will increase your effectiveness in the interview. Remember, the employer is actually on your side. S\he has a need and has every reason to hope that you will fill it.
The kinds of things you should know about the company include:
How long has the company existed?
What services does the company provide or what products does it make?
Who are their major
What divisions or subsidiaries exist?
What is the parent company?
What geographic areas are covered?
How many people are employed by the company?
What are the company's assets and earnings?
Does the company have
any international operations?